27 July 2024

Distance from hotel: 3.1 km

Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint Charlie is one of the most popular locations in Berlin, for it tells the story of the city's division. Linking the American and Soviet sectors, it could only be used by members of the military, diplomats, non-Germans and employees of the embassy of the GDR.

BB Hotel Berlin is 3 km away from Checkpoint Charlie.

Checkpoint Charlie
Friedrichstraße 43-45
10117 Berlin, Germany

Daily best rates
 Single Double
27.07. Sat.  sold out    sold out
28.07. Sun.  sold out    sold out
29.07. Mon.  sold out    sold out
30.07. Tue.  sold out    sold out
Rates excl. Breakfast
Kontakt & Reservierung:
+49(0)30/218 70 93
Berlin Info
Time:  09:56
Our packages
No packages
Distance from hotel: 2.9 km
Distance from hotel: 2.8 km
Fairs in Berlin
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    BB Hotel                       Fuggerstr. 13 / Ecke Martin-Luther-Straße                       10777 Berlin                          Tel. +49(0)30/218 70 93 93                         E-Mail: